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Anthropology ERA Ranking Journals

The ERA research rankings are based on research published throughout the world in ERA accepted journals. The Anthropology research rankings involved an analysis of a range of journal publications to establish the performance level of each participating institution in this field.

List of Anthropology Research ERA Ranking Journals:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit Research Report Series
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica: an international journal of ethnography
Acta Musei Moraviae Supplementum: Folia Ethnographica
Advances in Gender Research
African Anthropologist
Africanus: Journal of Development Studies
Afrikanistik Online
AltreItalie: international journal of studies on the peoples of Italian origin in the world
America Indigena
American Anthropologist
American Ethnologist
American Journal of Human Biology
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Journal of Primatology
Annals of Anthropological Practice
Annals of the Naprstek Museum
Annuaire Roumain d’anthropologie
Annual Review of Anthropology
Anthropoetics: the journal of generative anthropolgy
Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures
Anthropological Linguistics
Anthropological Notebooks
Anthropological Quarterly
Anthropological Review
Anthropological Science
Anthropological Theory
Anthropologie et Societes
Anthropologischer Anzeiger: Bericht uber die biologisch-anthropologische Literatur
Anthropology Southern Africa
Anthropology Today
Anthropology and Aging Quarterly
Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia
Anthropology and Education Quarterly
Anthropology and Humanism
Anthropology in Action
Anthropology of Consciousness
Anthropology of Work Review
Antropologia Portuguesa
Aozhou Yanjiu
Applied Mobilities
Archaeological Research in Asia
Archaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia
Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association
Archivio Per l’antropologia e la Etnologia
Arctic Anthropology
Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore
Asian Anthropology
Asian Perspectives: the journal of archaeology for Asia and the Pacific
Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs
Aztlan: a journal of Chicano studies
Baessler Archiv: Beitraege zur Voelkerkunde
Bulletin de l’ecole Francaise d’extreme-Orient
Bulletin of Latin American Research
Cahiers des Ameriques Latines
Canadian Review of Sociology
Cesky Lid: etnologicky casopis
Childhood in Africa
Children in war: the international journal of evacuee and war child studies
Chinese Sociology and Anthropology
City and Society
Collaborative Anthropologies
Collegium Antropologicum
Comparative Migration Studies
Comparative Studies in Society and History: an international quarterly
Constellations: an international journal of critical and democratic theory
Context: Journal of Music Research
Contributions to Indian Sociology
Contributions to Southeast Asian Ethnography
Critique of Anthropology
Cultural Analysis: an interdisciplinary forum of folklore and popular culture
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Dynamics
Current Anthropology
Dados: revista de ciencias sociais
Democracy and Security
Demofilo: revista de cultura tradicional
Desacatos: revista de antropologia social
Development Studies Research
Diachronica: international journal for historical linguistics
Dialectical Anthropology
East Asian Science Technology and Society: an International Journal
Eastern Anthropologist
Emotion Space and Society
Environment and Urbanization ASIA
Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl
Ethnobiology Letters
Ethnography and Education
Ethnography and Qualitative Research
Ethnologia Europaea: journal of European ethnology
Ethnologia Scandinavica: a journal for Nordic ethnology
Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica: an international review of Slovak and Slavic ethnology
Ethnologie Francaise
Ethnology: an international journal of cultural and social anthropology
Ethnos: journal of anthropology
Etnofoor: anthropological journal
Etnografia Polska
Etnografica Revista Do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social
Etnolog: Nova Vrsta
Etnoloska Tribina
Etudes Inuit Studies
Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines
Etudes Ocean Indien
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics
European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
Evolution and Human Behavior
Evolutionary Anthropology
Field Methods
Fieldwork in Religion
Focaal European Journal of Anthropology
Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies
Forschungen zur Volks
Forum for Development Studies
General Anthropology
GeoJournal: an international journal on human geography and environmental sciences
Geografiska Annaler: Series B Human Geography
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory
Historia Antropologia y Fuentes Orales
Historische Anthropologie: Kultur – Gesellschaft – Alltag
History and Anthropology
Human Ecology
Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Human Nature: an interdisciplinary biosocial perspective
Human Organization
Humanimalia: a journal of human/animal interface studies
Humanities Research
Humanities: Online Magazine of History Geography Anthropology Sociology
Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights Humanitarianism and Development
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power
Impulso: revista de ciencias sociais e humanas
International Journal for the Study of New Religions
International Journal of Intangible Heritage
International Journal of Language and Culture
International Journal of Nigerian Studies and Development
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
International Journal of Paleopathology
International Journal of Psychological Studies
International Journal of Social Science Research
International Journal of Tourism Anthropology
International Migration
Irish Journal of Anthropology
Jahrbuch fur Volkskunde
Journal de la Societe des Americanistes
Journal of American Folklore
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
Journal of Anthropological Research
Journal of Asian and African Studies
Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography: a journal of ethnographic research
Journal of Cultural Geography
Journal of Developing Societies
Journal of Development Effectiveness
Journal of Folklore Research
Journal of Genocide Research
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
Journal of Human Evolution
Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict
Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
Journal of Material Culture
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology
Journal of Mediterranean Studies: history culture and society in the Mediterranean world
Journal of Organizational Ethnography
Journal of Peasant Studies
Journal of Ritual Studies
Journal of South Asian Development
Journal of Tropical Ecology
Journal of Tropical Psychology
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia
Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia
Journal of the Pacific Society
Journal of the Polynesian Society
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Journal of the Societe des Oceanistes
Kacike: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology
Konteksty Polska Sztuka Ludowa: antropologia kultury etnografia sztuka
Korean Social Science Journal
Kultura i Spoleczenstwo
La Ricerca Folklorica
Language Documentation and Conservation
Latino Studies
Lietuvos Etnologija: socialines antropologijos ir etnologijos studijos
Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area
Luso – Brazilian Review: devoted to the culture of the Portuguese-speaking world
Magic Ritual and Witchcraft
Man in India
Mana: estudos de antropologia social
Mankind Quarterly
Material Culture Review
Medical Anthropology Quarterly: international journal for the cultural and social analysis of health
Medical Anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness
Memoria Ethnologica
Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie-Ethnologie und Urgeschichte
Musica Humana
Musicae Scientiae: the journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music
Native Studies Review
Nomadic Peoples
Nordic Journal of African Studies
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Nutrition and Diabetes
Olympika: the international journal of Olympic studies
Oral History Review
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde
PAIDEUMA: Studies in American and British Modernist Poetry
Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania Hobart
Plains Anthropologist
Political and Legal Anthropology Review
Polskie Towarzystwo Jezykoznawcze
Positions: Asia critique
Practicing Anthropology
Recherches Amerindiennes au Quebec
Review of Scottish Culture
Reviews in Anthropology
Revista Colombiana de Antropologia
Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana
Revista Lusitana
Revista de Antropologia Social
Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares
Revue d’Etudes Tibetaines
SITES: a Journal for South Pacific Cultural Studies
Sarawak Museum Journal
Senri Ethnological Studies
Slovensky Narodopis
Social Analysis: international journal of cultural and social practice
Social Anthropology
Social Evolution and History
Social Networks
Social Theory and Health
Society for the Anthropology of Europe
Sociologus: Zeitschrift fuer empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie
South Asian Popular Culture
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Suomen Antropologi
Systemes de Pensee en Afrique Noire
TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia
Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry
Tautosakos Darbai
Techniques and Culture
Teme: casopis za drustvene nauke
The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology
The Australian Journal of Anthropology
The International Journal of Children’s Rights
The Journal of Pacific History
The Oriental Anthropologists
Tidskriftet Antropologi
Tourist Studies: an international journal
Transforming Anthropology
Tsantsa: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft
Visual Anthropology
Visual Anthropology Review
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology
Zeitschrift fuer Balkanologie
Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie
Zeitschrift fuer Volkskunde

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