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Language, Communication and Culture ERA Ranking Journals

The ERA research rankings are based on research published throughout the world in ERA accepted journals. The Language, Communication and Culture research rankings involved an analysis of a range of journal publications to establish the performance level of each participating institution in this field.

List of Language, Communication and Culture Research ERA Ranking Journals:

Acme: an international e-journal for critical geographies
African Studies Quarterly
Afroeuropa: Journal of Afroeuropean Studies
Al-Arabiyya Monograph Series
Antichthon: journal of ancient world studies
Antik Tanulmanyok
Antipodes: a global journal of Australian/New Zealand literature
Applied Psycholinguistics
Archives for Scandinavian Philology
Asian EFL Journal
Asian Ethnology
Australasian Journal of Irish Studies
Australian Biblical Review
Australian Celtic Journal
Australian Feminist Studies
Australian Journal of Linguistics
Australian Studies
Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly
Borderlands E-Journal: new spaces in the humanities
Brain and Language
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Buddhist Studies Review
Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic studies and researches on Spain Portugal and Latin America
C Theory
Caribbean Quarterly
Classical Antiquity
Classical Philology
Classical Quarterly
Classical World
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies
Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life
Corporate Communications: an international journal
Creative Industries Journal
Creative Nonfiction
Crime Media Culture: an international journal
Critical Inquiry
Cultural Trends
Current Narratives
Digital Humanities Quarterly
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
Digital Studies
Discourse Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of text and talk
Discourse and Society: an international journal for the study of discourse and communication in their social political and cultural contexts
E-Utama: Journal of Malay education culture language and literature
Electronic Journal of Communication
Estudios Filologicos Alemanes
Facta Universitatis: Series Linguistics and Literature
First Language
Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review
Genre (Norman): forms of discourse and culture
Global Media Journal: Australian Edition
Global Media and Communication
Guizhou Ethnic Studies
Hispanic Journal (Indiana)
Interculturality and Translation
International Journal of Canadian Studies
International Journal of Cultural Studies
International Journal of Innovative Interdisciplinary Research
International Journal of Okinawan Studies (IJOS)
International Journal of Strategic Communication
International Journal of the Classical Tradition
Irish Studies Review
Italian Culture
Journal for Communication and Culture
Journal for the Study of Judaism
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Chinese Overseas
Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Journal of Cultural Economy
Journal of Fluency Disorders
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies
Journal of Indo-European Studies
Journal of Intercultural Communication
Journal of Intercultural Studies
Journal of International Communication
Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies
Journal of Jewish Studies
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Journal of Linguistics
Journal of Phonetics
Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
Journal of Roman Studies
Journal of Ukrainian Studies
Journal of Visual Culture
Journal of West Indian Literature
Journal of Yunnan Nationalities University: Social Sciences Edition
Journal of the Central University for Nationalities: Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Journal of the Southwest University for Nationalities
Jump Cut
Keltische Forschungen
Key Words: A Journal of Cultural Materialism
Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research
Language Assessment Quarterly: an international journal
Language Learning and Technology
Language Testing
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies
Literature and Aesthetics
Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources
Midland Review
Mnemosyne: a journal of classical studies
Modern Italy
Names: a journal of onomastics
Narrative Inquiry
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics
Nerter: una revista dedicada a la literatura el arte y el conocimiento
New West Indian Guide (NWIG)
Northwest Review
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung: Zeitschrift fuer die Wissenschaft vom ganzen Orient und seinen Beziehungen zu den angrenzenden Kulturkreisen
Oriente Moderno: rivista d’informazione e di studi per la diffusione della conoscenza della cultura dell’Oriente sopratutto Musulmano
Oxford German Studies
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific
Paradoxa: studies in world literary genres
Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland
Phonetica: international journal of phonetic science
Pleine Marge: cahiers de litterature d’arts plastiques et de critique
Public Relations Review
Quaderni di Studi Arabi
Reading and Writing
Res: journal of anthropology and aesthetics
Research on Language and Social Interaction
Resilience: a journal of the environmental humanities
Revue Biblique
Rural Society: the journal of research into rural and regional social issues in Australia
Scholia: studies in classical antiquity
Script and Print: bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Sino-Platonic Papers
Slavic and East European Journal
Slavonic and East European Review
Social Movement Studies: journal of social cultural and political protest
South Asian Diaspora
South Asian History and Culture
South Asian Studies
Southerly: a review of Australian literature
Southern Indiana Review
Spunti e Ricerche
Studia Celtica
Studia Hibernica
Text and Talk: an interdisciplinary journal of language discourse and communication studies
The Brock Review
The French Australian review
The Italianist
The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory
The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
The Journal of Eurasian Studies
The Minnesota Review
Thesis Eleven: critical theory and historical sociology
Tourism Culture and Communication
Twentieth-Century China
University of Toronto Quarterly: a Canadian journal of the humanities
Vetus Testamentum
Viking and Medieval Scandinavia
Visual Culture and Gender
West Coast Line: a journal of contemporary writing and criticism
Wicazo Sa Review: a journal of Native American studies
Word and Image
Zeitschrift fuer Celtische Philologie

Note: Language, Communication and Culture is a Master field. A more extensive list of journals might be found under its various sub-fields.

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Language, Communication and Culture Research Rankings Table

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