Environmental Geotechnics (ERA Journal)

Environmental Geotechnics is an ERA accredited research journal used as part of the evaluation of the ERA research rankings.
Environmental Geotechnics issn is: 2051-803X.
The fields covered by Environmental Geotechnics as part of the evaluation of Australian university research excellence are:
Civil Engineering Research Rankings (Sub-Field)
Environmental Engineering Research Rankings (Sub-Field)
Other ERA-accredited journals supporting the evaluation of the Civil Engineering field include:
- Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics
- Civil Engineering Dimension
- Civil Engineering: engineered design and construction
- Disaster Advances
- International Journal of Damage Mechanics
- International Journal of Structural Integrity
- Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering
- Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
- Journal of Structural Fire Engineering
- Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering
- Materiales de Construccion
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
- Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: maintenance management life-cycle design and performance
- Waste Management and Research
- Zement - Kalk - Gips International
ERA Research Rankings Submenu
- ERA 2018 Outcomes Research Rankings List
- ERA 2018 Research Rankings Analysis
- ERA 2018 Individual University Outcomes List
- ERA List of Research Fields Rankings
- ERA Journal Rankings 2018 List
Latest News and Updates:
- Top 10 Best Australian Universities
- Gender Balance Male-Female Ratio
- ERA 2018 Outcomes Research Rankings List
- University Bachelor Degree Completion Rates
- QS Employability Rankings Australian Universities
- ARWU World Rankings of Australian Universities
- Group of Eight (go8) World Rankings