Journal of Voice (ERA Journal)

Journal of Voice is an ERA accredited research journal used as part of the evaluation of the ERA research rankings.
Journal of Voice issns are issn1: 0892-1997 issn2: 1873-4588.
The fields covered by Journal of Voice as part of the evaluation of Australian university research excellence are:
Clinical Sciences Research Rankings (Sub-Field)
Performing Arts and Creative Writing Research Rankings (Sub-Field)
Other ERA-accredited journals supporting the evaluation of the Clinical Sciences field include:
- Acta Microbiologica Hellenica
- Anesteziologiya i Reanimatologiya
- Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science
- Biologics: Targets and Therapy
- Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology
- Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
- Gerontology: international journal of experimental clinical behavioral regenerative and technical gerontology
- Infection: journal of infectious disease
- Journal of Glaucoma
- Lung Cancer
- Neuropsychobiology: international journal of experimental and clinical research in biological psychiatry pharmacopsychiatry biological psychology pharmacopsychology and pharmacoelectroencephalography
- The Endocrinologist
- The Neuroradiology Journal
- Transfusion
- World Journal of Gastroenterology
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- ERA 2018 Outcomes Research Rankings List
- ERA 2018 Research Rankings Analysis
- ERA 2018 Individual University Outcomes List
- ERA List of Research Fields Rankings
- ERA Journal Rankings 2018 List
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