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Philosophy ERA Ranking Journals

The ERA research rankings are based on research published throughout the world in ERA accepted journals. The Philosophy research rankings involved an analysis of a range of journal publications to establish the performance level of each participating institution in this field.

List of Philosophy Research ERA Ranking Journals:

AI and Society: the journal of human-centered systems and machine intelligence
APA Newsletters
Accademia: Revue de la Societe Marsile Ficin
Acme: annali della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Universita degli Studi di Milano
Acta Analytica
Acta Philosophica Fennica
Acta Philosophica: rivista internazionale di filosofia
Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica
Actuel Marx
Aesthetic Investigations
African Philosophy
Agora (Santiago de Compostela): papeles de filosofia
Agora Philosophica
Alea: International Journal of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics
Aletheia: an international yearbook of philosophy
Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte
Allgemeine Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie
Alpha Omega: rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
American Journal of Theology and Philosophy
American Philosophical Quarterly
Analecta Hermeneutica
Analecta Husserliana: the yearbook of phenomenological research
Analele Universitatii din Craiova Seria Filosofie
Anales de la Universidad de Granada: Catedra Francisco Suarez
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosof?a
Analisis Filosofico
Analisis: cuadernos de investigacion
Analyse and Kritik: Zeitschrift fuer Sozialtheorie
Analytic Philosophy
Ancient Philosophy
Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities
Animal Sentience
Annales Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sectio I: Philosophia – Sociologia
Annales de l’ICES
Annali della Universita degli Sudi di Firenze: Dipartimento di Filosofia
Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science
Anthropoetics: the journal of generative anthropolgy
Anuario Filosofico
Apeiron: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy
Archiv fuer Begriffsgeschichte
Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie
Archiv fuer Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Idees
Archives de Philosophie: recherches et documentation
Archivio di Filosofia
Arete: Revista de Filosofia
Argument and Computation
Argumentation: an international journal on reasoning
Ars Disputandi: the online journal for philosophy of religion
Asian Philosophy: an international journal of Indian Chinese Japanese Buddhist Persian and Islamic philosophical traditions
Augustinus: revista trimestral publicada por los Padres Agustinos Recoletos
Auslegung: A Journal of Philosophy
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Australasian Philosophical Review
Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy
Aut Aut
Bamidbar: Journal for Jewish Thought and Philosophy
Behavior and Philosophy
Belgrade Philosophical Annual
Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly
Between the Species: an online journal for the study of philosophy and animals
Biological Theory
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch fuer Antike und Mittelalter
Boletin Cientifico Sapiens Research
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Boston colloquium for the philosophy of science
Boundary 2: an International Journal of Literature and Culture
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
British Journal of Aesthetics
Bruniana and Campanelliana
Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture
Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale
Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies
Bulletin of the Santayana Society
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
Business Ethics: a European review
CC – AI: the journal for the integrated study of artificial intelligence cognitive science and applied epistemology
Cadernos de Historia e Filosofia da Ciencia
Cahiers Voltaire
Cahiers philosophiques
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Carmina Philosophiae
Chiasmi International: Trilingual studies in the thought of Merleau-Ponty
Chinese Culture
Chinese Journal of Basic Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese Philosophy
Christian Bioethics
Co-herencia: revista de humanidades
Cognitive Processing: international quarterly of cognitive science
Cognitive Semiotics
Cognitive Systems Research
Collingwood and British Idealism Studies: incorporating Bradley Studies
Communication and Cognition
Comparative and Continental Philosophy
Conceptus: Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie
Consciousness and Cognition
Constellations: an international journal of critical and democratic theory
Constitutional Political Economy
Constructivist Foundations
Contemporary Aesthetics
Contemporary Buddhism
Contemporary Political Theory
Contemporary Pragmatism
Continental Philosophy Review
Contrastes: revista interdisciplinar de filosofia
Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies
Cosmos and History: the journal of natural and social philosophy
Criminal Law and Philosophy
Critica: revista Hispanoamericana de filosofia
Critical Horizons
Critical Review (Columbus): an interdisciplinary journal of politics and society
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
Critique: a journal of socialist theory
Critique: revue generale des publications francaises et etrangeres
Croatian Journal of Philosophy
Crossroads: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of history philosophy religion and classics
Cultural Logic: an electronic journal of marxist theory and practice
Culture Theory and Critique
Current Legal Problems
Daimon: revista de filosofia
Danish Yearbook of Philosophy
Dao: a journal of comparative philosophy
Das Argument: Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften
Deleuze Studies
Derrida Today
Design Philosophy Papers
Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie
Developing World Bioethics
Diacritics: a review of contemporary criticism
Dialectica: the official journal of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy
Dialogue (Milwaukee)
Dialogue and Universalism: toward synergy of civilizations
Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review
Diametros: internetowe czasopismo filozoficzne
Dilema: Revista de Filosof?a
Disputatio: revista semestral de filosofia anal?tica
Divus Thomas
Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale
Economics and Philosophy
Educacao e Filosofia
Education and Culture (West Lafayette)
Eighteenth-Century Thought
Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy
Elenchos: rivista di studi sul pensiero antico
Emotion Review
Empedocles: European journal for the philosophy of communication
Encyclopaideia: journal of phenomenology and education
Endoxa: Series Filosoficas
Enfoques (Libertador San Martin)
Enlightenment and Dissent
Enrahonar: quaderns de filosofia
Environmental Philosophy
Episteme NS: Revista del Instituto de Filosof?a de la Universidad Central de Venezuela
Episteme: Filosofia e Historia das Ciencias em Revista
Epoche: a journal for the history of philosophy
Erkenntnis: an international journal of analytic philosophy
Escritos de Filosof?a
Espiritu: Cuadernos del Instituto Filosofico de Balmesiana
Essays in Philosophy
Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism
Estudios Filosoficos: Revista de Investigacion y Critica
Estudios Nietzsche: Revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Estudios sobre Friedrich Nietzsche
Estudios de Filosof?a
Ethical Perspectives: journal of the European Ethics Network
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition
Ethics and Global Politics
Ethics and Information Technology
Ethics and International Affairs
Ethics and the Environment
Ethiek and Maatschappij
Etudes Philosophiques
European Journal for Philosophy of Religion
European Journal for Philosophy of Science
European Journal of Analytic Philosophy
European Journal of Philosophy
European Journal of Political theory
European Journal of Social Theory
European Political Science
Existentia: meletai sophias – philosophical papers – bolcseleti tanulmanyok
Faith and Philosophy
Feminist Theory: an international interdisciplinary journal
Fenomenologia e Societa
Fichte – Studien
Filosofia: international journal of philosophy
Filosoficky Casopis
Filosofie en Praktijk
Filosofija Sociologija
Filosofisk Tidskrift
Filosofiya Nauki
Filozofska Istrazivanja
Filozofski Vestnik
Florida Philosophical Review
Foro Interno
Forum Philosophicum
Franciscan Studies
Freiburger Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie und Theologie
French Review
Fronesis: Revista de Filosofia Juridica Social y Politica
Frontiers of Philosophy in China: selected publications from Chinese universities
Genetic Counseling
Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana
Giornale di Metafisica
Gnosis: a journal of philosophic interest
Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal
Grazer Philosophische Studien: International Journal for Analytic Philosophy
Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism
Hastings Center Report
Hegel Bulletin
Heidegger Studies
Heythrop Journal: a Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology
History of European Ideas
History of Philosophy Quarterly
Hobbes Studies
Horizons Philosophiques
Human Affairs
Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics
Human Rights Quarterly: a comparative and international journal of the social sciences humanities and law
Human Studies: a journal for philosophy and the social sciences
Human in Culture
Humana.Mente: Journal of Philosophical Studies
Hume Studies
Husserl Studies
Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy
Idealistic Studies: an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy
Ideas y Valores: revista colombiana de filosofia
Indian Journal of Philosophic Studies
Indian Philosophical Quarterly
Informal Logic: reasoning and argumentation in theory and practice
Inquiry: an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy
International Critical Thought
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
International Journal of Applied Philosophy
International Journal of Baudrillard Studies
International Journal of Ethics
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
International Journal of Hindu Studies
International Journal of Philosophical Studies
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology
International Journal of Tantric Studies
International Journal of the Platonic Tradition
International Philosophical Quarterly
International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
International Studies in Philosophy: an international journal of general philosophic inquiry
International Yearbook of Aesthetics
Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus
Interpretation: a journal of political philosophy
Iride: filosofia e discussione pubblica
Iris: European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate
Isegoria: revista de filosofia moral y politica
Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly
Jahrbuch fuer Hegelforschung
Jahrbuch fuer Wissenschaft und Ethik
Journal International de Bioethique
Journal for Legal Philosophy and Jurisprudence
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
Journal of Applied Philosophy
Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
Journal of Chinese Philosophy
Journal of Cognitive Science
Journal of Consciousness Studies: controversies in science and the humanities
Journal of Critical Realism
Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy: online peer-reviewed journal of moral political and legal philosophy
Journal of Evolution and Technology
Journal of French Philosophy
Journal of Indian Philosophy
Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion
Journal of International Political Theory
Journal of Literature History and Philosophy
Journal of Logic Language and Information
Journal of Markets and Morality
Journal of Medical Humanities
Journal of Moral Philosophy
Journal of Nietzsche Studies
Journal of Phenomenological Psychology
Journal of Philosophical Logic
Journal of Philosophical Research
Journal of Philosophy
Journal of Philosophy and Culture
Journal of Philosophy and Scripture
Journal of Political Philosophy
Journal of Practical Ethics
Journal of Pragmatics
Journal of Social Ontology
Journal of Social Philosophy
Journal of Social Policy
Journal of Speculative Philosophy: a quarterly journal of history criticism and imagination
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
Journal of Thought
Journal of Value Inquiry
Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology
Journal of the History of Medieval Philosophy
Journal of the History of Philosophy
Journal of the Philosophy of History
Journal of the Southwest Philosophy Review
Kant Studien: philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft
Kant Yearbook
Kantian Review
Karunungan: a journal of philosophy
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook
Konvergencias: revista de filosofia y culturas en dialogo
Krisis: journal for contemporary philosophy
Kriterion: revista de filosofia
KronoScope: journal for the study of time
La Lampara de Diogenes: Revista de Filosofia
Laval Theologique et Philosophique
Law and Philosophy: an international journal for jurisprudence and legal philosophy
Leeds International Classical Studies
Legal Theory
Leiden Journal of International Law
Les Ateliers de l’Ethique
Levinas Studies
Linguistics and Philosophy: a journal of natural language syntax semantics logic pragmatics and processing
Logic and Logical Philosophy
Logic and Philosophy of Science
Logique et Analyse
Logoi: revista de filosofia
Logos and Episteme: an international journal of epistemology
Logos: Anales del Seminario de Metafisica
Magyar Filozofiai Szemle
Manuscrito: revista internacional de filosofia
Marxism and Reality: Journal of the Central Translation and Compilation Bureau
Masarykova Univerzita Filozoficka Fakulta Sbornik Praci C: Rada Historicka
Medicine Health Care and Philosophy
Medieval Philosophy and Theology
Melanges de Science Religieuse
Metaphysica: Zeitschrift fuer Ontologie und Metaphysik
Methexis: revista international de filosofia antigua
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies
Metodicki Ogledi
Midwest Studies in Philosophy
Milltown Studies
Mind and Language
Mind: a quarterly review of philosophy
Minerva: an internet journal of philosophy
Modern Theology
Monist: an international quarterly of general philosophical inquiry
Moral Philosophy and Politics
Neue Zeitschrift fuer Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
Neuroscience of Consciousness
New Blackfriars: a review edited by the Dominicans of the English Province
New Nietzsche Studies
New York University Journal of International Law and Politics
Niin and Nain
Nordic Wittgenstein Review
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
Nova et Vetera
Nursing Philosophy
Open Journal of Philosophy
Organization and Environment: international journal of ecosocial research
Organon F
Owl of Minerva
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Oxford Literary Review
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
Paideia (Madrid)
Paragraph: a journal of modern critical theory
Parrhesia: a journal of critical philosophy
Patristica et Mediaevalia
Pensamiento: revista de investigacion e informacion filosofica
Pensares y Quehaceres: revista de politicas de la filosofia
People and the Word
Per la Filosofia: filosofia e insegnamento
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
Perspectives on Science: historical philosophical social
PhaenEx: journal of existential and phenomenological theory and culture
Phaenomenologische Forschungen
Phenomenological Inquiry: a review of philosophical ideas and trends
Phenomenology and Mind
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
PhiloSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism
Philosophers’ Imprint
Philosophia Africana (Print): analysis of philosophy and issues in Africa and the Black Diaspora
Philosophia Christi: Series 2
Philosophia Mathematica: philosophy of mathematics its learning and its application
Philosophia Perennis
Philosophia Scientiae
Philosophica: Revista do Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Philosophical Explorations: an international journal for the philosophy of mind and action
Philosophical Forum
Philosophical Inquiry: international quarterly
Philosophical Investigations
Philosophical Papers
Philosophical Perspectives
Philosophical Psychology
Philosophical Review
Philosophical Review (National Taiwan University)
Philosophical Studies: an international journal for philosophy in the analytic tradition
Philosophical Topics
Philosophie Antique
Philosophische Rundschau: eine Zeitschrift fuer philosophische Kritik
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger
Philosophisches Jahrbuch
Philosophy Activism Nature
Philosophy Compass
Philosophy Culture and Traditions
Philosophy East and West: a quarterly of comparative philosophy
Philosophy Ethics and Humanities in Medicine
Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology
Philosophy Today
Philosophy and Literature
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
Philosophy and Public Affairs
Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly
Philosophy and Rhetoric
Philosophy and Social Criticism
Philosophy and Society
Philosophy and Technology
Philosophy and Theology
Philosophy in the Contemporary World
Philosophy of Science
Philotheos: International Journal for Philosophy and Theology
Phronesis: a journal for ancient philosophy
Phronimon: Journal of the South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities
Poiesis and Praxis: international journal of technology assessment and ethics of science
Political Theology
Political Theory
Politics Philosophy and Economics
Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities
Practical Philosophy
Praxis Filosofica
Prima Philosophia
Principia: revista internacional de epistemologia
Pro Philosophia Fuzetek
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Society
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
Process Studies
ProtoSociology: an international journal of interdisciplinary research
Przeglad Filozoficzny Nowa Seria
Psychology of Consciousness: Theory Research and Practice
Public Affairs Quarterly
Public Health Ethics
Public Reason
Quaderns de Filosofia y Ciencia
Quest (Leiden): philosophical discussions
Radical Philosophy Review
Radical Philosophy: journal of socialist feminist philosophy
Radical Psychology
Ragion Pratica
Rassegna Europea di Letteratura Italiana
Ratio Juris: an international journal of jurisprudence and philosophy law
Ratio: an international journal of analytic philosophy
Rationality Markets and Morals
Reason Papers: a journal of interdisciplinary normative studies
Recerca: revista de pensament i analisi
Recherches Husserliennes
Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales: a journal of ancient and medieval Christian literature
Recherches sur Diderot et sur l?encyclopedie
Rechtstheorie: Zeitschrift fuer Logik Methodenlehre Kybernetik und Soziologie des Rechts
Religious Studies: an international journal for the philosophy of religion and theology
Reports on Mathematical Logic
Res Philosophica
Res Publica
Research in Phenomenology
Review Journal of Political Philosophy
Review of General Psychology
Review of International Studies
Review of Philosophy and Psychology
Review of Religious Research
Revista Colombiana de Filosof?a de la Ciencia
Revista Internacional de Filosofia Politica
Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Revista de Filosofia
Revue Internationale de Philosophie
Revue Philosophique de Louvain
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l Etranger
Revue Thomiste: revue doctrinale de theologie et de philosophie
Revue d’Esthetique
Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale
Revue de Philosophie Ancienne
Revue de Synthese
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques
Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto
Rivista di Estetica
Rivista di Filosofia
Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Russian Studies in Philosophy: a journal of translations
Saint Anselm Journal
Sats: Nordic journal of philosophy
Semiotica: journal of the international association for semiotic studies
Sensus Communis: An International Quarterly for Studies and Research on Alethic Logic
Simone de Beauvoir Studies
Sistemi Intelligenti: rivista quadrimestrale di scienze cognitive e di intelligenza artificiale
Social Epistemology: a journal of knowledge culture and policy
Social Philosophy Today
Social Philosophy and Policy
Social Research: an international quarterly of the social sciences
Social Theory and Practice: an international and interdisciplinary journal of social philosophy
Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics
Sophia: international journal of philosophy and traditions
South African Journal of Bioethics and Law
South African Journal of Philosophy
Spaces of Utopia
Sport Ethics and Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Stromata: antigua ciencia y fe
Studia Leibnitiana: Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte der Philosophie und der Wissenschaften
Studia Neoaristotelica: A Journal of Analytical Scholasticism
Studia Patavina: rivista di scienze religiose
Studia Phaenomenologica: Romanian Journal for Phenomenology
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Studia Philosophica
Studia Poliana: revista sobre el pensamiento de Leonardo Polo
Studia Semiotyczne
Studia Spinozana: an international and interdisciplinary series
Studies in East European Thought
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Studies in Logic Grammar and Rhetoric
Studies in Social Justice
Sub-Stance: a review of theory and literary criticism
Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy
Synthese: an international journal for epistemology methodology and philosophy of science
Synthesis Philosophica
Teaching Ethics: The Journal of the Society for Ethics across the Curriculum
Teaching Philosophy
Teoria: rivista di filosofia
The Acorn
The Australasian Journal of Logic
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
The European Legacy: toward new paradigms
The Harvard Review of Philosophy
The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
The Journal of Clinical Ethics
The Journal of Ethics: an international philosophical review
The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy
The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: a forum for bioethics and philosophy of medicine
The Journal of Mind and Behavior
The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning
The Journal of Symbolic Logic
The Leibniz Review
The Look
The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy
The Philosophical Quarterly
The Pluralist
The Review of Metaphysics: a philosophical quarterly
The Southern Journal of Philosophy
The Studia Philonica Annual
Theologie und Philosophie
Theoria: a Swedish journal of philosophy
Theoria: a journal of social and political theory
Theoria: revista de filosofia teoria historia y fundamentos de la ciencia
Theory and Event: an online journal of political theory
Theory at Buffalo
Thinking: the journal of philosophy for children
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
Topoi: an International Review of Philosophy
Traditio: studies in ancient and medieval history thought and religion
Trans – Form – Acao: revista de filosofia
Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society
Transcultural Studies: a series in interdisciplinary research
Ultimate Reality and Meaning: interdisciplinary studies in the philosophy of understanding
Universitas Philosophica
Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofia iberoamericana y teoria social
Verifiche: rivista trimestrale di scienze umane
Veritas: Revista de Filosof?a y Teolog?a
Voprosy Filosofii
Washington University Jurisprudence Review
William James Studies
Wissenschaft und Weisheit: Franziskanische Studien zu Theologie Philosophie und Geschichte
Wittgenstein Studien
World Futures: the journal of general evolution
Xavier Review
Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa
Zeitschrift fuer Aesthetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft
Zeitschrift fuer Kulturphilosophie
Zeitschrift fuer Philosophische Forschung
Zeitschrift fur Kritische Theorie
Zygon: journal of religion and science

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