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Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience ERA Ranking Journals

The ERA research rankings are based on research published throughout the world in ERA accepted journals. The Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience research rankings involved an analysis of a range of journal publications to establish the performance level of each participating institution in this field.

List of Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience Research ERA Ranking Journals:

Acta Geographica Slovenica
Anales de Geografia de la Universidad Complutense
Annales de Limnologie
Annals of Glaciology
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
Antarctic Record
Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Applied Geography
Arab World Geographer
Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research
Arid Land Research and Management
Asian Geographer: a geographical journal on Asia and the Pacific Rim
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society
Caribbean Geography
Cartographic Journal
Cartography and Geographic Information Science
Cave and Karst Science
Chemical Geology
Chinese Geographical Science
Climate Dynamics
Climate Risk Management
Climate of the Past
Climate of the Past Discussions
Coastal Marine Science
Coordinates Series A: online journal of the map and geography round table
Croatian Geographical Bulletin
Current World Environment
Documents d’Analisi Geografica
EAR Se L eProceedings
Earth Interactions
Earth Surface Dynamics
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Earth System Dynamics
Earth System Science Data
Earth’s Future
Ecological Monographs
Environmental Earth Sciences
Environmental Geology: international journal of geosciences
Erdkunde: Archiv fuer wissenschaftliche Geographie
Espace Geographique
Estudios Geograficos
European Journal of Remote Sensing
Exploration Geophysics
Focus on Geography
Forum Geografic
Frontiers in Earth Science
GEOView: Online Undergraduate Review of Geography and Environmental Studies
GIScience and Remote Sensing
Geo-Marine Letters: an international journal of marine geology
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Geodetski vestnik
Geofocus: revista internacional de ciencia y tecnologia de la informacion geografica
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria
Geograficky Casopis
Geografisk Tidsskrift: Danish Journal of Geography
Geografiska Annaler Series A: Physical Geography
Geografski Vestnik
Geographical Analysis: an international journal of theoretical geography
Geographical Journal
Geographical Review
Geographical Review of Japan
Geographische Rundschau
Geographische Zeitschrift
Geography Compass
Geoinformatica: an international journal on advances of computer science for geographic information systems
Geomatics Natural Hazards and Risk
Geomorphologie: relief processus environnement
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Ground Water
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
Hydrological Processes
Hydrological Sciences Journal
Hydrology Research: an international journal
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Imago Mundi: the international journal for the history of cartography
Indian Geographical Journal
Indonesian Journal of Geography
Inland Waters
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
International Journal of Coal Geology
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
International Journal of Navigation and Observation
International Journal of Remote Sensing
International Journal of Speleology
Investigaciones Geograficas
Irish Geography
Island Studies Journal
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies
Journal of Earth System Science
Journal of Environmental Hydrology
Journal of Geographical Sciences
Journal of Geographical Systems: geographical information analysis theory and decision
Journal of Geography
Journal of Geography and Geology
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Journal of Glaciology
Journal of Great Lakes Research: devoted to research on large lakes of the world
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
Journal of Latin American Geography
Journal of Map and Geography Libraries: advances in geospatial information collections and archives
Journal of Maps
Journal of Paleolimnology
Journal of Quaternary Science
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Journal of Spatial Science
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Journal of the Geological Society
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
Karstological Review
La Revue de Geographie Alpine
Lake and Reservoir Management
Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography
Mires and Peat
Mitteilungen der Oesterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft
Moravian Geographical Reports
Natural Hazards
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Nature Climate Change
New Zealand Geographer
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
Observatorio Medioambiental
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
Physical Geography
Polar Geography
Polar Geoscience
Polar Research
Polish Geographical Review
Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays
Preview (CSIRO)
Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences Geographical Series
Professional Geographer
Progress in Physical Geography: an international review of geographical work in the natural and environmental sciences
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Quaternary Australasia
Quaternary Geochronology
Quaternary International
Quaternary Research
Radiocarbon: an international journal of cosmogenic isotope research
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
Remote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia
Revista Geografica Venezolana
Scottish Geographical Journal
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
Solstice: an electronic journal of geography and mathematics
South African Geographical Journal
South Australian Geographical Journal
Southeastern Geographer
Southern Forests: a journal of forest science
Speleogenesis and Evolution in Karst Aquifers
Standort: Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Geographie
The California Geographer
The Canadian Geographer
The Cryosphere
The Geography Teacher
The Holocene: a major interdisciplinary journal focusing on recent environmental change
The Journal of Gemmology
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Letras: Geografia
Univerza v Ljubljani Filozofska Fakulteta Oddelek za Geografijo: Dela
Urban Water Journal
Vadose Zone Journal
Vodohospodarsky Casopis
Water Resources Research
Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie: annals of geomorphology
e-Perimetron: The international quarterly e-journal on sciences and technologies affined to history of cartography and maps

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ERA 2018 Research Rankings Analysis

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ERA Journal Rankings 2018 List

Main Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience Research Ranking Table

Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience Research Rankings Table

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