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Psychology and Cognitive Sciences ERA Ranking Journals

The ERA research rankings are based on research published throughout the world in ERA accepted journals. The Psychology and Cognitive Sciences research rankings involved an analysis of a range of journal publications to establish the performance level of each participating institution in this field.

List of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences Research ERA Ranking Journals:

Acta Colombiana de Psicologia
Acta Neuropsychiatrica
Acta Neuropsychologica
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Addiction Biology
Ageing and Society
Aging and Mental Health
American Journal of Psychiatry
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Animal Behaviour
Animal Cognition
Annals of Behavioral Medicine
Applied Psycholinguistics
Archives of General Psychiatry
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
Australasian Journal on Ageing
Australasian Psychiatry
Australian Journal of Linguistics
Australian Journal of Music Education
Australian Journal of Primary Health
Australian Journal on Volunteering
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
Behaviour and Information Technology
Behavioural Brain Research
Biological Psychiatry
Biology and Philosophy
Body Image
Brain Imaging and Behavior: an international journal
Brain Impairment
Brain Injury
Brain and Development
Brain and Language
Brain: a journal of neurology
British Journal of Psychiatry
British Journal of Visual Impairment
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Canadian Psychology
Child Neuropsychology
Child: Care Health and Development
Clinical Neurophysiology
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Cogent Psychology
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Current Biology
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
Discourse and Society: an international journal for the study of discourse and communication in their social political and cultural contexts
Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Drug and Alcohol Review
Eating Disorders
Environment and Behavior
European Neuropsychopharmacology
European Psychiatry
Evolutionary Psychology
Experimental Brain Research
First Language
Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review
Genes Brain and Behavior
Genes and Development
Health Education and Behavior
Health Psychology
Health Sciences
Human Movement Science
Human-Computer Interaction
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine
Industrial Psychiatry Journal
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: journal of policy practice and perspectives
International Journal for Quality in Health Care
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
International Journal of Drug Policy
International Journal of Eating Disorders
International Journal of Information Technology
International Journal of Mental Health Systems
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
International Journal of Psychophysiology
International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching
International Psychogeriatrics
Journal of Adolescent Health
Journal of Affective Disorders
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect
Journal of Fluency Disorders
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Journal of Information Technology
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Journal of Linguistics
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Journal of Neurophysiology
Journal of Neuropsychology
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Journal of Pain
Journal of Personality Assessment
Journal of Phonetics
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Journal of Psychopharmacology
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of Sexual Medicine
Journal of Sleep Research
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of Vision
Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Knowledge Management Research and Practice
Knowledge-Based Systems
Learning and Memory
Medical Education
Medical Journal of Australia
Mind Culture and Activity: an international journal
Minds and Machines: journal for artificial intelligence philosophy and cognitive sciences
Molecular Psychiatry
Multivariate Behavioral Research
Natural Hazards Review
Network: computation in neural systems
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Neurophysiologie Clinique
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Nutrition Reviews
Obesity Research and Clinical Practice
Obesity Reviews
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Patient Education and Counseling
Personal Construct Theory and Practice
Perspectives in Education
Phonetica: international journal of phonetic science
Physiology and Behavior
Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Psychiatry Research
Psychiatry: interpersonal and biological processes
Psychology and Marketing
Psychology of Sport and Exercise
Psychosomatic Medicine
Psychotherapy in Australia
Qualitative Health Research
Reading and Writing
Research on Language and Social Interaction
Review of Symbolic Logic
Safety Science
Schizophrenia Bulletin
Schizophrenia Research
Scientific Studies of Reading
Sleep Medicine Reviews
Social Psychology of Education: an international journal
Society and Animals
Software: Practice and Experience
South African Journal of Psychology
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal
Supportive Care in Cancer
Text and Talk: an interdisciplinary journal of language discourse and communication studies
The International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
The Neuroscientist: reviews at the interface of basic and clinical neurosciences
Theory and Decision: an international journal for multidisciplinary advances in decision sciences
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Vision Research
Visual Neuroscience

Note: Psychology and Cognitive Sciences is a Master field. A more extensive list of journals might be found under its various sub-fields.

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Psychology and Cognitive Sciences Research Rankings Table

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