Functional Materials Letters (ERA Journal)

Functional Materials Letters is an ERA accredited research journal used as part of the evaluation of the ERA research rankings.
Functional Materials Letters issns are issn1: 1793-6047 issn2: 1793-7213.
The fields covered by Functional Materials Letters as part of the evaluation of Australian university research excellence are:
Physical Sciences Research Rankings (Major Field)
Chemical Sciences Research Rankings (Major Field)
Engineering Research Rankings (Major Field)
Other ERA-accredited journals supporting the evaluation of the Physical Sciences field include:
- Advances in Fluid Mechanics
- Archives of Thermodynamics
- Clinical and Experimental Optometry
- European Physical Journal H
- Foundations of Physics: an international journal devoted to the conceptual and fundamental theories of modern physics biophysics and cosmology
- Journal of Biomolecular NMR
- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
- Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics
- Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology Part A: International Journal Devoted to Vacuum Surfaces and Films
- Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics
- New Journal of Physics
- Physics of Fluids
- Polar Science
- Research Letters in Physics
- Reviews of Geophysics
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- ERA Journal Rankings 2018 List
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