Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine (ERA Journal)

Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine is an ERA accredited research journal used as part of the evaluation of the ERA research rankings.
Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine issn is: 1477-5751.
The field covered by Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine as part of the evaluation of Australian university research excellence is:
Clinical Sciences Research Rankings (Sub-Field)
Other ERA-accredited journals supporting the evaluation of the Clinical Sciences field include:
- Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina Panonica et Adriatica
- Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery
- BMC Dermatology
- Clinical Medicine and Research
- Comparative Hepatology
- Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- International Journal of High Throughput Screening
- Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
- Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
- Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association
- L'Encephale: revue de psychiatrie clinique biologique et therapeutique
- Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
- Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology: Supplement
- The Laryngoscope
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- ERA Journal Rankings 2018 List
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