Transplant Research and Risk Management (ERA Journal)

Transplant Research and Risk Management is an ERA accredited research journal used as part of the evaluation of the ERA research rankings.
Transplant Research and Risk Management issn is: 1179-1616.
The field covered by Transplant Research and Risk Management as part of the evaluation of Australian university research excellence is:
Clinical Sciences Research Rankings (Sub-Field)
Other ERA-accredited journals supporting the evaluation of the Clinical Sciences field include:
- Acta Medica et Biologica
- Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
- Annals of the American Thoracic Society
- Blood
- Bone Marrow Transplantation
- Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology
- Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension
- European Eating Disorders Review
- European Journal of Human Genetics
- European Urology Focus
- International Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research
- Onkologie: international journal for cancer research and treatment
- Physiotherapy Theory and Practice: an international journal of physical therapy
- The Journal of Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Verhaltenstherapie: Praxis - Forschung - Perspektiven
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- ERA Journal Rankings 2018 List
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