Acta Structilia (ERA Journal)

Acta Structilia is an ERA accredited research journal used as part of the evaluation of the ERA research rankings.
Acta Structilia issn is: 1023-0564.
The field covered by Acta Structilia as part of the evaluation of Australian university research excellence is:
Civil Engineering Research Rankings (Sub-Field)
Other ERA-accredited journals supporting the evaluation of the Civil Engineering field include:
- ACI Structural Journal
- Environmental Geotechnics
- GI: Gesundheits Ingenieur
- Geotechnique: international journal of soil mechanics
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
- Institutul Politehnic din Iasi. Buletinul. Sectia Constructii. Arhitectura
- International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
- Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
- Journal of Elasticity
- Journal of Information Technology in Construction
- Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials
- Journal of Transportation Institute of Transportation Engineers
- Journal of the American Water Works Association
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering
- Public Transport
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- ERA 2018 Outcomes Research Rankings List
- ERA 2018 Research Rankings Analysis
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- ERA List of Research Fields Rankings
- ERA Journal Rankings 2018 List
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