Historical Development of Australian Universities Sector

The Australian university sector has grown rapidly since the middle 1980s after a history of relatively slow growth up until that point.
The two original universities, University of Sydney and University of Melbourne, formed at the beginning of the 1850s, had the field to themselves until 1874 when the University of Adelaide opened, followed by the University of Tasmania in 1890. The only other universities commencing operations before the end of the Second World War were the University of Queensland in 1890 and then the University of Western Australia in 1911.
It was not until after the war that the university sector started to develop momentum, albeit initially at a very slow rate. This began with the establishment of the Australian National University in 1946, followed by another three universities up until 1958.
In 1964 a new wave of growth commenced which saw the establishment of another nine universities up until 1975.
Following this it was another 12 years until Curtin University became the next accredited university, in 1987, marking the beginning of a massive expansion of the university sector which saw 20 new universities accredited between 1987 and 1999, 1999 being the last year a new university opened.
NOTE: Click the ‘State’ header to sort the table by State
University | State | (pre) | Start |
University of Sydney (sydney) | NSW | 1850 | |
University of Melbourne (unimelb) | VIC | 1853 | |
University of Adelaide (adelaide) | SA | 1874 | |
University of Tasmania (utas) | TAS | 1890 | |
University of Queensland (uq) | QLD | 1909 | |
University of Western Australia (uwa) | WA | 1911 | |
Australian National University (anu) | ACT | 1946 | |
University of New South Wales (unsw) | NSW | 1949 | |
University of New England (une) | NSW | (1938) | 1954 |
Monash University (monash) | VIC | 1958 | |
Macquarie University (mq) | NSW | 1964 | |
La Trobe University (latrobe) | VIC | 1965 | |
University of Newcastle (newcastle) | NSW | 1965 | |
Flinders University (flinders) | SA | 1966 | |
James Cook University (jcu) | QLD | 1970 | |
Griffith University (griffith) | QLD | 1971 | |
Murdoch University (murdoch) | WA | 1973 | |
Deakin University (deakin) | VIC | 1974 | |
University of Wollongong (uow) | NSW | (1951) | 1975 |
Curtin University (curtin) | WA | (1967) | 1987 |
Charles Darwin University (cdu) | NT | (1974) | 1988 |
Queensland University of Technology (qut) | QLD | (1882) | 1988 |
University of Technology Sydney (uts) | NSW | (1965) | 1988 |
Bond University (bond) | QLD | 1989 | |
University of Western Sydney (uws) | NSW | 1989 | |
Charles Sturt University (csu) | NSW | 1990 | |
University of Canberra (canberra) | ACT | (1967) | 1990 |
University of Notre Dame (nd) | WA | 1990 | |
Australian Catholic University (acu) | MULTI | (1850) | 1991 |
Edith Cowan University (ecu) | WA | (1902) | 1991 |
University of South Australia (unisa) | SA | 1991 | |
CQ University (cqu) | QLD | (1967) | 1992 |
RMIT University (rmit) | VIC | (1887) | 1992 |
Swinburne University of Technology (swinburne) | VIC | (1908) | 1992 |
University of Southern Queensland (usq) | QLD | (1967) | 1992 |
Victoria University (vu) | VIC | 1992 | |
Southern Cross University (scu) | QLD | (1970) | 1994 |
Federation University (feduni) | VIC | (1871) | 1992 |
University of the Sunshine Coast (usc) | QLD | (1995) | 1999 |
Key & Notes
* Start: – ‘Start’ denotes the year the institution first started operating as a university
* pre: – ‘pre’ denotes the year the institution or its main predecessor first started operating as an educational facility prior to it commencing operations as a university
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