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Social Work ERA Ranking Journals

The ERA research rankings are based on research published throughout the world in ERA accepted journals. The Social Work research rankings involved an analysis of a range of journal publications to establish the performance level of each participating institution in this field.

List of Social Work Research ERA Ranking Journals:

AIDS Education and Prevention: an interdisciplinary journal
AIDS and Behavior
Administration in Social Work: the quarterly journal of human services management
Adoption and Fostering
Advances In Dual Diagnosis: Policy Practice And Research In Mental Health And Substance Use
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities
Advances in Social Work
Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education
Affilia: journal of women and social work
American Journal of Community Psychology
American Journal of Family Therapy
Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdshrift
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development
Asian Social Work and Policy Review
Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal
Australian Community Psychologist
Australian Journal of Family Law
Australian Social Work
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy: innovative and contextual approaches to human problems
Bereavement Care: an international journal for those who help bereaved people
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
Canadian Social Work
Child Abuse Review
Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Care in Practice
Child Maltreatment
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
Child and Family Social Work
Children Australia
Children and Society: the international journal of childhood and children’s services
Children and Youth Services Review
Children’s Geographies
China Journal of Social Work
China Social Welfare
Clinical Social Work Journal
Communities Children and Families Australia
Contemporary Family Therapy: an international journal
Critical Social Policy
Critical Social Work
Critical and Radical Social Work: an international journal
Developing Practice
Disability Studies Quarterly
Disability and Society
Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties
Ethics and Social Welfare
European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling
European Journal of Social Work: the forum for the social work professional
European Research In Telemedicine
Families in Society: the journal of contemporary social services
Family Process
Family Relations
First Years Nga Tau Tuatahi
Future of Children
Grief Matters
Health and Social Care in the Community
Health and Social Work
Hong Kong Journal of Social Work
Indian Journal of Social Work
International Journal of Child Youth and Family Studies
International Journal of Disability Development and Education
International Journal of Diversity in Organisations Communities and Nations
International Journal of Emotional Education
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work
International Journal of Qualitative Methods
International Journal of Social Welfare
International Social Security Review
International Social Work
International Studies Quarterly
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
Journal of Adult Protection
Journal of Aging and Social Policy: a journal devoted to aging and social policy
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Journal of Applied Research on Children
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work: sharing knowledge ideas and research to promote undergraduate social work education and practice
Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research
Journal of Care Services Management
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: research treatment and program innovations for victims survivors and offenders
Journal of Children and Poverty
Journal of Children’s Services: research informing policy and practice
Journal of Comparative Social Welfare
Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy
Journal of Creativity in Mental Health
Journal of Education and Work
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work: innovations in theory research and practice
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work: advances in practice programming research and policy
Journal of Family Social Work
Journal of Family Studies
Journal of Family Therapy
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy
Journal of Forensic Social Work
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services: issues in practice policy and research
Journal of Gerontological Social Work
Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Journal of Playwork Practice
Journal of Policy Practice
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
Journal of Poverty
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice
Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning
Journal of Progressive Human Services: successor to catalyst: a socialist journal of the social services
Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: social thought
Journal of Research on Adolescence
Journal of Social Inclusion
Journal of Social Policy
Journal of Social Work
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of Social Work Practice
Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics
Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare
Journal of Teaching in Social Work: innovations in instruction training and educational practice
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Learning in Health and Social Care
Native Studies Review
New Directions for Evaluation
New Zealand Journal of Counselling
Nonprofit Policy Forum
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Peace Review: a journal of social justice
Policing and Society: an international journal of research and policy
Poverty and Public Policy: a global journal of social security income aid and welfare
Practice Reflexions
Psychoanalytic Social Work
Psychotherapy Research
Qualitative Social Work: research and practice
Race and Justice: An International Journal
Research and Practice for Persons With Severe Disabilities
Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Research on Social Work Practice
Residential Treatment for Children and Youth
Revue Internationale de Securite Sociale
Rural Social Work and Community Practice
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
School Social Work Journal
Smith College Studies in Social Work
Social Care and Neurodisability
Social Development Issues: alternative approaches to global human needs
Social Policy and Society
Social Sciences Directory
Social Security: journal of welfare and social security studies
Social Service Review
Social Work
Social Work Abstracts
Social Work Education
Social Work Forum
Social Work Research
Social Work and Christianity: an international journal
Social Work and Social Sciences Review: an internal journal of applied research
Social Work and Society
Social Work in Health Care: the journal of health care work
Social Work in Mental Health: the journal of behavioral and psychiatric social work
Social Work in Public Health
Social Work with Groups: a journal of community and clinical practice
Social Work: a professional journal for the social worker
Socialno Delo
Sociologia Ruralis
The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling
The British Journal of Social Work
The Clinical Supervisor: the journal of supervision in psychotherapy and mental health
The Global Studies Journal
The Review of Disability Studies (RDS): An International Journal
Therapeutic Communities: the international journal for therapeutic communities
Third Sector Review
Tizard Learning Disability Review
Town Planning Review
Trauma Violence and Abuse: a review journal
Violence and Victims
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
Young: Nordic journal of youth research
Youth Studies Ireland
Youth and Policy: the journal of critical analysis

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ERA 2018 Research Rankings Analysis

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ERA Journal Rankings 2018 List

Main Social Work Research Ranking Table

Social Work Research Rankings Table

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